Frequently asked questions

Yes – we pride ourselves on delivering a complete service to clients who would rather get on with business than muck around with project admin. Our experienced team is here to help you with an end-to-end service, and we’ll always keep you informed of milestones along the way. From council site excavation to concrete slabs, electrical and plumbing, we can shoulder the load for you.

Absolutely. Our unique process is modular, allowing our clients to pick and choose the relevant aspects they need. If you purely need engineering and fabrication, we’ll help you keep your budget in check with a cost-effective and robust kitset. Use your own network of trades and contractors or lean on us if you need additional construction support.

We do, but it’s best if you get in touch with our parent company, Sheds4U. The team have years of experience delivering high-quality lifestyle and farm sheds, loved by Kiwis for their precise and professional approach to secure storage and lifestyle buildings.

The same team that brought you Sheds4U is behind the Rhino Structures brand. We’ve got a proven pedigree and hundreds of happy clients in the rural and residential sectors, yet for several years we’ve been flexing our design muscles in the commercial and industrial space. With many successful large-scale projects under our belt, it was time to let our big shed skills stand alone under the Rhino banner. Take a look at our large structures gallery which is regularly being updated with completed work.

Our head office is in Gisborne and we’ve traditionally focused on the North Island. However, if you are further afield and have an exciting building project you’d like to get off the ground, please get in touch, we’d love to see how we can assist.

All our kit set structures are delivered to site according to your specific instructions. Your kit arrives flat-packed in a container with complete, easy-to-follow instructions. All components are labelled and high-quality fixings are included, making it easy to bolt everything together.

Definitely – unlike some other companies who only offer painted finishes, all our structures are galvanised for a high level of corrosion resistance.

We could rattle off a bunch of engineering specs, load ratings and wind resistance data, or you could just ask our clients Trina and Howard:
“How did you fare with the cyclone? I hope you and yours are all safe and well. Our shed stood up to the winds beautifully and also the earthquake we had in January 2023. It’s had all relevant tests from Mother Nature and passed with flying colours.”